Saturday, October 6, 2007

Multivariate statistical analysis comparing sport and energy drinks
This article examines the effectiveness of nutrients (including vitamin B6 and B12) in sport and energy drinks, as well as comparing and contrasting the two.



OLD SCHOOL #55 said...

Great looking blog Timothy! This article is especially relevant. Keep up the good work and GO JACKS!

Cristiana Castagnola said...

Wow, that article was really interesting because I really had no idea that Vitamin B shots were the "new thing". I feel as though maybe it's a better idea to get your energy from vitamins rather than from caffeine or other drugs but getting them from shots doesn't seem quite necessary. It seems like people could just as easily get them from good food sources. Anyhow, it was interesting and, as Old School said, very relevant to the topic. Your blog looks very good!