Saturday, November 10, 2007

What the Linus Pauling Institute at OSU has to Say about B6

The good folks out at the Linus Pauling supply some great information about the wonderful Vitamin B6. The articel covers topics from Nervous system function, Red blood cell formation and function, Niacin formation, Hormone function, Nucleic acid synthesis, Deficiency, The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), Disease Prevention, Immune function, Cognitive function, Kidney stones, Disease Treatment and great Sources. If any of those ticle your fancy go check it out, just follow the link below.

Full Atricle

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Too Much of This Good Vitamin, Is Not a Good Thing!

Since I have supplied you all with so much information about how great Vitamins B6 and B12 are. Upon coming across this article, i thought it was also my duty to warn you of the dangers of megadoses of these vitamins; more specifically B6. Our mothers always told us how important it was for us to take our vitamins, but never reminded us that over dosage could be ultimately harmful. The article warns " research confirms that vitamin B6 can be neurotoxic (nerve-damaging) in amounts over 200 mg a day".

(To get the full article click here)