Saturday, November 10, 2007

What the Linus Pauling Institute at OSU has to Say about B6

The good folks out at the Linus Pauling supply some great information about the wonderful Vitamin B6. The articel covers topics from Nervous system function, Red blood cell formation and function, Niacin formation, Hormone function, Nucleic acid synthesis, Deficiency, The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), Disease Prevention, Immune function, Cognitive function, Kidney stones, Disease Treatment and great Sources. If any of those ticle your fancy go check it out, just follow the link below.

Full Atricle

1 comment:

OLD SCHOOL #55 said...

Great info from Beaver Country (OSU) where my former player Sean Canfield is the starting QB! But I digress. The article points out that "Increased dietary protein results in an increased requirement for vitamin B6, probably because PLP is a coenzyme for many enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism" (which definitely got my attention.) Luckily my daily mega vitamin affords 1500% of the RDA so even with my added protein intake, I should survive OK. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Timmy!